MediaInfo - Copyright (c) 2002-2010 SARL, License ------- This program is freeware (LGLPv3+). See License.html for more information. Usage ----- mediainfo FileName mediainfo --Help Note from MediaInfo author: this document was written by someone else. I provide no support about it. Author: Anonymous Licence: Public domain MediaInfo Commmand Line Interface MediaInfo GUI provides multiple ways to display the attributes of an audio/visual file. MediaInfo Command Line Interface(CLI) provides the additional capability to query the values of specific attributes of an audio/video file, which then allows these values to be used within batch files to determine the appropriate processing of the file. For example when converting a file with ffmpeg, if the audio or video stream is already encoded in the target format then the copy option can be used in place of the target codec option used for other stream formats. Similarly for example the existing audio stream bitrate can be used to set the target bit rate, rather than setting a fixed value that may be greater or less than the source bitrate. Since the GUI and CLI use different versions of mediainfo.exe, and the GUI.exe installs into C:\Program Files, the best bet is to unzip the command line files into C:\programs\mediainfo_cli\. The Command Line Options The CLI command line with its options would then be: C:\programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe -h --> for a description of the command line options C:\programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe --Version --> display the Mediainfo version and exit C:\programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe avfile --> for a listing of the key attributes of avfile C:\programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe -f avfile --> for a listing of all the attributes of avfile C:\programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe --help-Inform --> for a description of the -–Inform= option C:\programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe --Info-Parameters --> for a listing of the attributes available as parameters with the --Inform= option. An abbreviated list of key attributes is provided in Appendix A C:\programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe --Inform=section;template avfile --> to output the specified section and template values of attributes of avifile C:\programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe --Inform=[section;]file://templatefile avfile --> to output the values of avifile attributes specified in the section and templatefile. If section is not specified in the command line it must be specified in the templatefile. Sections may be: General, Video, Audio, Text, Chapter, Image, Menu Templates are of the form: [text]%parameter%[text][%parameter%][text]... Templatefiles contain: [section;][text]%parameter%[text][%parameter%][text]... Text may include: \r\n to begin a newline. (carriage return 0D and linefeed 0A) Additionally the options --Output=HTML and/or --Language=raw may be added to the command to force output in HTML tag format or internal text, however they do not work with the --Inform options, and the HTML option does not seem to work with the other options. Command Line Examples Using the template option for example: C:\programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe "--Inform=General;Filename is: %FileName%" "C:\videos\USA Holiday.mpg" will output: Filename is: USA Holiday And using the templatefile option for example: If the file C:\temp\template.txt contains: General;File is:%FileName% Video;Resolution is:%Width%x%Height%\r\nAspect %DisplayAspectRatio/String%\r\n Audio;Codec = %Format% and the command is: C:\programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe --Inform=file://C:\temp\template.txt "C:\videos\USA Holiday.mpg" then the output will be: File is:Holiday Resolution is:720x480 Aspect 4/3 Codec = AC-3 Important Notes Note that: • if the options or filenames in the command contain blanks they must be enclosed in quotes ". • each %parameter% must match the spelling and capitalization shown in the --Info-Parameters listing. • parameters followed by /String will convert numeric values to fractional form eg: 1.333 will be 4/3 • the template option may only be used for the output of one section • the templatefile option must be used for output from multiple sections • a section may only be specified once in a templatefile. eg: if a second Video; line is used it will be ignored. • multiple parameters may be specified for a section eg: [text]%parm1%[text]%parm2%[text]... • the blank spaces following parameters in a templatefile are significant on output. For example the blank space between Holiday and Resolution in the example was due to a space following %FileName% in the template.txt file. • > outputfilename at the end of the command line will pipe output to a file. • if the commands are used within a .bat file, the parameters must be enclosed in double % signs ie: %%parameter%% Using the CLI Output in Batch Processing Since the MediaInfo output may be piped to a file, any attribute value can be output and read from the file by a .bat file and used to make processing decisions. The following code may be used in a .bat file to generate a file with an attribute value from a %1 input file, access the file to extract the value, and then use it to determine subsequent processing: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : Generate file C:\value.txt with the value for %parameter% in section; C:\Programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe --Inform=Section;%%parameter%% %1 > C:\value.txt : Read the value from C:\value.txt and Set myvar equal to it. for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('type C:\value.txt') do set myVar=%%A :Compare the value now in myvar to a "target value" and control processing. if ".%myvar%" == ".target value" statement -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Batch Processing Example If a file C:\video\USA Holiday.mpg contains AC-3 audio, then this may be determined and used in the following C:\conversion.bat called using: C:\conversion.bat C:\video\USA Holiday.mpg ---conversion.bat-------------------------------------------------- @echo off : Get the codec C:\Programs\mediainfo_cli\mediainfo.exe --Inform=Audio;%%Codec%% %1 > C:\value.txt : Read it for /f "tokens=*" %%A in ('type C:\miresult.txt') do set myVar=%%A : Test for AC-3 if ".%myvar%" == ".AC-3" goto :AC3 : non-AC-3 processing follows ffmpeg..... goto :exit :AC3 : AC-3 processing follows ffmpeg.... :exit --------------------------------------------------------------------- Appendix A The following pages contain an abbreviated set of parameter names and examples of possible target values generated by MediaInfo_CLI from actual av files. For use with the –Inform= option in .bat files. Section;%Parameter% Description P o s s I b l e V a l u e s General; CompleteName Complete name (Folder\Name.Ext) FileName File name only FileExtension File extension only eg: mpg mkv avi mpg or vob ts avi mp4 wmv mkv flv Format Format used eg: MPEG-2 Matroska MPEG-PS MPEG-TS AVI MPEG-4 Windows Media Matroska Flash Video Format/Info Info about Format Audio Video Interleave FileSize File size in bytes 4369920 843185452 1073739776 FileSize/String File size (with measure) 4.17 MiB 804 MiB 1 024 MiB FileSize/String1 File size (with measure, 1 digit mini) 4 MiB 804 MiB 1 024 MiB FileSize/String2 File size (with measure, 2 digit mini) 4.2 MiB 804 MiB 1 024 MiB FileSize/String3 File size (with measure, 3 digit mini) 4.17 MiB 804 MiB 1 024 MiB FileSize/String4 File size (with measure, 4 digit mini) 4.167 MiB 804.1 MiB 1 024.0 MiB Duration Play time of the stream 2362278 396976 1568016 Duration/String Play time (formated) 6mn 36s 26mn 8s 39mn 22s Duration/String1 Play time in : HHh MMmn SSs MMMms 6mn 36s 76ms 26mn 8s 16ms 39mn 22s 27ms Duration/String2 Play time in format : HHh MMmn SSs 6mn 36s 26mn 8s 39mn 22s Duration/String3 Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.MMM 06:37.0 26:08.0 39:22.0 Video; mpg,vob,ts avi or mp4 mp4 only mp4 or mkv wmv only wmv only flv only Format Format used MPEG Video MPEG-4 Visual MPEG-4 Visual AVC WVP2 VC-1 H.263 or VP6 Format/Info Info about Format Advanced Video Codec Format_Version Version of this format Version 2 Format_Profile Profile of the Format Main@Main Streaming Video@L1 Simple@Ln Main@L4.n MP@ML Main@High High@L3.1 CodecID Codec ID (found in some containers) XVID or DX50 MP4V V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC WVP2 WMV3 CodecID/Hint A hint for this codec ID XviD or DivX 5 WMV3 Duration Play time of the stream 729578 Duration/String Play time (formated) 12mn 9s Duration/String1 Play time in : HHh MMmn SSs MMMms 12mn 9s 78ms Duration/String2 Play time in format : HHh MMmn SSs 12mn 9s Duration/String3 Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.MMM 12:10.0 Video; BitRate_Mode Bit rate mode (VBR, CBR) CBR VBR BitRate_Mode/String Bit rate mode (VBR, CBR) Constant Variable BitRate Bit rate in bps 3018811 BitRate/String Bit rate (with measurement) 3 019 Kbps 15.9 Mbps BitRate_Minimum Minimum Bit rate in bps BitRate_Minimum/String Minimum Bit rate (with measurement) BitRate_Nominal Nominal Bit rate in bps 10000000 17448800 BitRate_Nominal/String Nominal Bit rate (with measurement) 10 000 Kbps 17.4 Mbps BitRate_Maximum Maximum Bit rate in bps BitRate_Maximum/String Maximum Bit rate (with measurement) Width Width 320 640 704 720 720 1280 1920 Width/String 320 pixels 640 pixels 704 pixels 720 pixels 720 pixels 1 280 pixels 1 920 pixels Height Height 240 480 480 480 576 720 1080 Height/String 240 pixels 480 pixels 480 pixels 480 pixels 576 pixels 720 pixels 1 080 pixels PixelAspectRatio Pixel Aspect ratio 0.909 1.185 1 1 PixelAspectRatio/String Pixel Aspect ratio DisplayAspectRatio Display Aspect ratio 1.25 1.333 1.778 DisplayAspectRatio/String Display Aspect ratio 5/4 4/3 16/9 FrameRate_Mode Frame rate mode (CFR, VFR) CFR FrameRate_Mode/String Frame rate mode (CFR, VFR) Constant FrameRate Frame rate 15.001 23.976 25 29.97 30 FrameRate/String Frame rate 15.001 fps 23.976 fps 25.000 fps 29.970 fps 30.000 fps FrameCount Frame count 56638 Standard NTSC or PAL NTSC Component PAL Colorimetry 4:02:00 ScanType Progressive Interlaced ScanType/String Progressive Interlaced StreamSize Stream size in bytes 3318999 35368360 933204082 StreamSize/String 3.17 MiB (76%) 33.7 MiB (75%) 890 MiB (89%) StreamSize/String1 3 MiB 34 MiB 890 MiB StreamSize/String2 3.2 MiB 34 MiB 890 MiB StreamSize/String3 3.17 MiB 33.7 MiB 890 MiB StreamSize/String4 3.165 MiB 33.73 MiB 890.0 MiB Language/String Language (full) English en-us Audio; Format Format used MPEG Audio MPEG Audio AC-3 DTS AAC Vorbis WMA2 Format/Info Info about Format Audio Coding 3 Digital Theater Systems Advanced Audio Codec Format_Version Version of this format Version 1 Version 1 or 2 Version 2 or 4 Format_Profile Profile of the Format Layer 2 Layer 3 Dolby Digital LC L1 or L2 CodecID Codec ID (found in some containers) 2000 or A_AC3 A_VORBIS 161 CodecID/Hint A hint for this codec ID MP3 Duration Play time of the stream 30888 1306533 Duration/String Play time (formated) 30s 888ms 21mn 46s Duration/String1 Play time in : HHh MMmn SSs MMMms 30s 888ms 21mn 46s 533ms Duration/String2 Play time in format : HHh MMmn SSs 30s 888ms 21mn 46s Duration/String3 Play time in format : HH:MM:SS.MMM 00:31.0 21:47.0 BitRate_Mode Bit rate mode (VBR, CBR) CBR VBR BitRate_Mode/String Bit rate mode (VBR, CBR) Constant Variable BitRate Bit rate in bps 63997 111504 128000 384000 768000 BitRate/String Bit rate (with measurement) 64.0 Kbps 112 Kbps 128 Kbps 384 Kbps 768 Kbps Channel(s) Number of channels 2 2 2 6 Channel(s)/String Number of channels 2 channels 2 channels 2 channels 6 channels ChannelPositions Position of channels L R Front: L C R, Rear: L R, LFE SamplingRate Sampling rate 22050 44100 48000 48000 SamplingRate/String in KHz 22.05 KHz 44.1 KHz 48.0 KHz 48.0 KHz StreamSize Stream size in bytes 961485 11252712 StreamSize/String 939 KiB (22%) 10.7 MiB (24%) StreamSize/String1 939 KiB 11 MiB StreamSize/String2 939 KiB 11 MiB StreamSize/String3 939 KiB 10.7 MiB StreamSize/String4 939.0 KiB 10.73 MiB Menu; Format Format used eg: DVD-Video DVD-Video Notes : ------- + Added - Deleted x Correction #number is the identifier of bug report/requested feature/patch bug reports and feature request are here : Version 0.7.34, 2010-07-09 -------------- + New icons set, thanks to Kevin Redon, based on Gnome themes: Neu, Experience, Gnome 2.18 + WebM support, sponsored by + LXF (Harris/Leitch) support + #3008704, IVF (Indeo Video Format) support + #3002376, Blu-ray: Source (.m2ts) for the .mpls parser + DV: handling of unsynched streams + Basic view, Bit Depth is added to the audio part + FLV: Framerate info for some not yet supported weird files + Demux (library only): demuxed packets can be forced to contain 1 complete frame + XML output: MediaInfo version + Parsing speed (Library only): option for a quicker analyzing, but with some missing features + AVI and Huffman (HFYU): Colorspace + AVI and Fraps: Colorspace + AVI and Lagarith: Colorspace + MPEG-4: Channel map basic support x CEA-708: Skipping some malformed streams x JPEG/M-JPEG: Resolution was in some random other field x #3001707, AAC in MP4: mono aac file detected as stereo x AVI: crash with some malformed files x AVI: Stream identifier was not filled in some cases x MPEG-PS: some files were not well detected x WAV: Bit Depth is back x WAV/PCM: Byte sign was wrong if Bit depth >8 x Decimal point issues with some specific compilers/OS x MPEG-4: removing support of btrt atom for average bitrate, too many wrong values x AVI: crash with some specific files (avc1 CodecID) x MPEG-4+AAC: Trying to better detect the (non)presence of PS if there is no PS header x MPEG-TS/PS: more precision on duration Version 0.7.33, 2010-05-14 -------------- + Slovak language added + Colorimetry field is replaced by Color space and Chroma subsampling x Some word were not translatable x Solaris port was broken Version 0.7.32, 2010-05-02 -------------- + MPEG-7 output improvements + DV: Better detection of DVCPRO 50 and 100 (again), especially in MXF + P2: support of P2 XML files and P2 directory structure + XDCAM: support of XDCAM XML files and XDCAM directory structure + N19: More attributes + ISO-639-2 3-letter standard for language field (for third-party software) + Additional commercial name of a stream or container (XDCAM IMX, DVCPRO, AVC-Intra 50...) + MXF: support of detection of files without Track number in the headers + MXF: Operational Pattern + MPEG-4: Aperture size support x AVC: some files were wrongly analyzed (frame rate...) x AVI: better support of files with only one big data chunk (professional cameras) x MPEG-4: Huge memory usage with some files (files with DV and PCM) x DVR-MS: width/height was wrong in previous version Version 0.7.31, 2010-04-16 -------------- + SCTE 20 closed caption support + Difference between width/height in the container and in the raw stream + AVC: GOP structure + MXF: more raw stream formats are detected (MPEG-4 Visual, A-law...) + DV: Better detection of DVCPRO 50 and 100 x DV: less files without the right extension wrongly detected as DV Version 0.7.30, 2010-03-26 -------------- + AVC: Multiview Video Coding (MVC) basic support + AVI: better handling of some RGB or RLE codecIDs + Solaris package creation files update (with relocation) + MSVB: better handling of C pointers + WAV: Skipping wrong sample count values + GXF: Caption in ancillary data detection x #2970227, WAV: a file was wrongly detected as DTS x CEA-608: some captions were wrongly detected as active x MPEG-7: some corrections in order to be valid x FLV: Duration for video not starting at Time 0 x WMV and MPEG-TS/PS: some crashes are fixed x MSVC2010 and MSVC2008 project files were missing some files Version 0.7.29, 2010-03-08 -------------- + GXF (SMPTE 360M / RDD 14) support + GXF: support of CDP (SMPTE 334-2) in Ancillary data (SMPTE 334-1) (not complete) + AAC in MPEG-TS: Profile/Level + PCM in MKV: format name, channel positions + MPEG-7 and PBCore 1.2 output (pre-release) + MPEG-7: more metadata + Solaris package creation files + MPEG-TS overall bit rate is more precise x Channel positions: more coherency in the naming x DVD-Video (IFO): ID name was in hexadecimal only, now in Decimal+Hexa Version 0.7.28, 2010-02-19 -------------- + AIFF: ID3v2 tags support + AutoIt3: MediaInfoList interface + RIFF: Handling of INFO chunk in hdlr chunk + VorbisCom-based comments (FLAC, OGG...): support of new fields + MPEG-4 Visual: Duration for raw streams + Display Aspect Ratio 3:2 instead of 1.500 + Detection of N19 (EBU Tech 3264) + MPEG-2 Video: new profiles (4:2:2, Multi-view) + MPEG-2 Video: GOP structure + MPEG-4: handling of video streams with a different last frame duration + RIFF: Skipping OpenDML frame count (not always valid), when index is available + AMR: more attributes (Sampling rate, duration...) x MPEG-PS and MPEG-TS: crash with some files x MPEG-4: some bitrates to zero with a null bitr or btrt atoms x MPEG-4: managing different kinds of compressor name format x AMR in MPEG-4: crash with some specific files x #2952623, Id3v2: USLT with ISO-8859-1 charset was not well read x #2952637, Id3v2.2: PIC tag was not well read x #2952638, XML output: sometimes empty tags x #2920138, XML output: invalid char in XML tags Version 0.7.27, 2010-01-03 -------------- + MPEG Audio: Emphasis + MPEG-TS: PCR timestamp can be extracted in real time + Linux library: visibility is now limited to the official API + License changed to LGPLv3+ for license simplification (same license as the library) x MPEG Audio, AAC, Vorbis: removal of irrelevant Resolution field even from containers x MPEG Video: error in calculation of frame rate if sequence extension is used x MPEG Audio: some VBR files without VBR header were wrongly detected as CBR x #2921999, unexpected quotes in the text output Version 0.7.26, 2009-12-18 -------------- + MXF: support of external files parsing + MLP support + TrueHD: more details (channels, sampling rate...) + TrueHD: display of both core and TrueHD details + #2905950, MPEG-4: Cover extraction + ADTS: better bitrate estimation + #2910579, MPEG-4 Visual: data_partitioned and reversible_vlc display + #2910572, MPEG Video: BVOP presence display + Internet Media Type (aka MIME-Type) display (but hidden by default) + ADTS: Id3v2 support x #2897584, ID3v2: Crash with some malformed UTF-16 strings x MXF: Better handling of interlaced content (height and frame rate) x Homogenization of Video resolution (ie no more 24-bit resolution, but 8-bit) x MPEG-TS: less false-positive detection of encrypted streams x MXF: better management of complex files (with references) x MOV: better management of complex files (with references) x Digital Video: better management of DV50, more bitrate accuracy x Digital Video: better management of DV100 (Width, Height, BitRate) x Digital Video: Some Colorimetry (4:x:x) were wrong x FLV: some files were not detected x MPEG Audio, AAC, Vorbis: removal of irrelevant Resolution field x MPEG formats: some Profile renaming, for more coherency Version 0.7.25, 2009-11-13 -------------- + MediaInfo (customized) with HTTP input: User Agent setting + #2896693, MPEG-TS: skipping some malformed PMT (with elementary_PID=0) x #2844911, AAC in 3GP: false detection of SBR and PS (again) x #2894411, MPEG Audio: UserDefined Covers replace other covers types x MPEG Audio: Some profiles were not displayed x RealMedia: Some Titles were not displayed x Matroska: Wrong detection of 6-channel Wavpack (detected as 2-channel) Version 0.7.24, 2009-10-30 -------------- + MPEG-4: DVCPRO HD detection + WAV: better handling of Wave Extension codec IDs + MPEG Audio: profile and extension display + MPEG-TS: More information for ADTS in non-audio PES ID. + FLV: test of video bitrate info integrity + MPEG-4: "sbtl" subtitles support + MPEG-4: old-style Apple language codes support + MPEG-4: XDCAM support + MPEG Video: vbv_buffer_size info + AVC: cpb_size_value info + VC-1: hrd_buffer info x #2882376, AVCHD: reports some incorrect AVCHD framerate x MPEG-4: some Pixel Aspect Ratio settings were not handled x Customized output: respect of carriage return from the platform x MPEG-TS demuxer: more tolerance of bad blocks Version 0.7.23, 2009-10-16 -------------- + OGG: more details for MPEG-4 Visual, MPEG Audio and AC-3 + MPEG-4: more information for MPEG Audio streams + MPEG-4: more information for ADTS streams + MPEG-TS: more information for ADTS streams + QCP (RFC 3625) format support + Refactoring of parsers, for more speed and less false-positives + WAV: INFO chunk parsing x Blu-ray directory analyzing was broken x VC-1: some streams were not detected x AMR in MP4: Resolution set to 13 or 14 bits instead of default 16 bits x Help, Known parameters was hanging up x AVC: frame rate was wrong for progressive streams with frame doubling x MPEG-TS: crash while parsing some streams with specific ATSC event_id Version 0.7.22, 2009-09-25 -------------- + MPEG-TS: KLV data detection x #2859504, 3GPP: some files were not detected x Some corrections about AVI Display Aspect Ratio x QuickTime: external files were completely parsed, too long x DV: Support of 4 mono channel configuration Version 0.7.21, 2009-09-04 -------------- + More permissive license for redistribution only Redistribution license is intended for companies with legal issues (if they can not deal with GPL) + AVC: Support of frame doubling/tripling + AVC: Colour description + QuickTime: support of external files parsing x #2828430, Quicktime: 180 degrees rotation display was not displayed x MPEG-TS: whole file was parsed (long) x MPEG Video / MPEG-4 Visual: new algorithm for library name detection x #2844911, AAC in 3GP: false detection of SBR and PS x MKV: some chapters had timecode issues Version 0.7.20, 2009-07-31 -------------- + TAK format support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + #2822681, Quicktime: Rotation display (from iPhone...) + web application example + Java/JNA, Linux: dynamic load of libzen if not in LD_PATH x MPEG-PS: Some durations were a bit too long x MPEG-PS: Better handling of PTS/DTS for private and extension streams x ADTS: Handling of SBR and/or PS streams Version 0.7.19, 2009-07-17 -------------- + ALS raw files support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + LA (Lossless Audio, old) support, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + SLS detection, thanks to Lionel Duchateau + AAC: forcing SBR/PS when it is implicit (if <=24KHz, if 1 channel) + AVC: Closed captions detection + #2813919, APE: CompressionLevel + XML output: track names are changed, for a better usability by XML parsers x MKV: Original display aspect ratio was not displayed x #2817479, Blu-ray/M2Ts: crash with some specific file names x MXF: the whole file was parsed, parsing now only the useful part Version 0.7.18, 2009-07-03 -------------- + MXF support + Blu-ray: BDMV directory parsing + Blu-ray: clpi/mpls files support + M2TS: Language if the .clpi blu-ray file is found + OpenSolaris support + MPEG-4 Visual: support of Sony SMC (security video) tags + MPEG-4 Visual: ASP profile was wrongly displayed + Mac OS X: Creation of universal and 10.4 compatible binaries option x Mac OS X: no more double-carriage return in Text view Version 0.7.17, 2009-06-19 -------------- + #2790156, Folders context menu option + Python : adaptation for version 3 + XML output (thanks to Steen Jost Jensen) + MPEG-PS/TS: ATSC Closed captions (both EIA-608 and EIA-708) detection + MPEG-PS/TS: Language of closed caption (ATSC) + DV: camera settings + DV: Closed captions detection (raw DV, or in .mp4 and AVI container) + JPEG 2000 support + MPEG-4: support of JPEG 2000 embedded in a MPEG-4 container + MPEG-4: support of ProRes 422 / ProRes 422 HQ codecs + MPEG-4, AMR: Vendor and version + Blu-ray: support of PCM (Frequency, resolution, bitrate) + MPEG-TS: speed improvements x #2803396, sometimes crash with tiny (40-79 bytes) files x #2801211, MPEG-4/3GP: support of 3GP tags x #2795345, MPEG-4 Visual: crash with some specific user_data x #2793960, MKV: some MKV renamed as .ac3 were detected as AC-3 x #2796417, MPEG-4: Some files with Camera user data were not detected x #2785604, Build fails on newer GCC versions (>=4.4) x #2664106, prefs overwritten after installing update x so interface was not working since some releases on Linux x MPEG Video: better detection of 2:3 Pulldown x MPEG-4: Forcing AMR to 8KHz/Mono whatever the container says Version 0.7.16, 2009-05-20 ------------- + MPEG-4: More information for Avid DV streams + MPEG-4: more complete parsing (raw stream) of files with compressed headers + VC-1 and MPEG-Video: displaying the original framerate for streams with 2:3 pulldown + WMA: Handling of Mutual Excluded streams x MPEG-4: some files with compressed headers were not parsed x MPEG-4: Kodak files with EXIF data were not parsed x MPEG-4 (Quicktime): some files with compressed header were not well parsed x MPEG-4: Some files with a TimeCode track had wrong duration x MPEG-PS: some files with wrong timestamp were not well parsed x MPEG Audio with APE tags: crash with big tags Version 0.7.15, 2009-04-30 ------------- + Wave64 (.w64) support + MPEG-4: Better handling of 4GiB+ files + MPEG-4: audio parts from a DV stream are displayed + MPEG-4: better DV analyzing + DV: parser improvement (speed, accuracy) x DTS: 768/1536 Kbps streams are corrected to the real bitrate (755/1510 Kbps) x MPEG-TS: some stream durations were not well computed (few seconds only) x AVC: freeze with some malformed encoder settings Version 0.7.13, 2009-04-03 -------------- x Returned value has changed, back to the normal behavior (0 if it is OK) + #2635230, MPEG audio: Lame encoder settings + #2706146, WMV: detection of container wanted aspect ratio + #2611726, MKV: Audio delay detection + #2721811, MKV: TrueHD detection + Java: JNA (Java Native Access) binding + Exported "stream" interface for analyzing streams in memory (beta) + SHN (Shorten) detection + TAK (Tom's lossless audio compressor) detection + MPEG-TS parser optimizations + SWF: better handling of videos + WAV: better handling of 4GiB+ files + WAV: Extensible Wave support + MKV: Handling of chapters in multiple languages + Stream size for all streams when 1 video and all audio streams are CBR + Chapters are moved to menu part for better coherency with MPEG-TS, developers see Changes.txt for more info x #2712761, AVI: unsupported SalmonSoft text codec makes MediaInfo silently fail x #2719534, MKV: handling "modified" headers (zero padding) x #2720822, MPEG Audio: was freezing with 1 malformed file x #2721949, IFO: some stream IDs were false x #2725808, MPEG-PS: some "OTA" files were detected with TrueHD instead of normal AC-3 audio Version 0.7.12, 2009-03-20 -------------- + Complete refactoring of the code for speed improvements and future features + #2686943, MPEG-4: ISMV (IIS Smooth Streaming Media Video) basic support + MPEG-4 Visual: distinction between MPEG and H.263 default matrices + MPEG-TS: ATSC and DVB EPG support x MPEG-PS: duplicate stream infos with some AC-3 streams (with program map) Version 0.7.11, 2009-02-13 -------------- + OGG: Better Kate and CMML codecs support + AVI: Detecting wrong aspect ratio from a broken AVI header + DTS: Handling of Little Endian and 14-bit streams + WAV: ID3v2 tags parsing + MPEG Video: frame order even for progressive sequence x #2559346, MKV: Detection of framerate in MKV without framerate header x #2474280, OGG: some streams had bad stream size x MPEG-TS: some buggy file may corrupt memory x MP3/Id3v2: crash with one malformed file Version 0.7.10, 2009-01-30 ------------- + Spanish translation updated + Mono (C#/Linux) binding + MPEG-4: Encoding library name + #2474280, OGG: Old version of Dirac identifier support + MPEG-TS: Encoded date for HDV + DVR-MS: Delay between two tracks + WAV: EBU Broadcast Wave format v1 support + CMP4: Basic support x #2529963: Infinite loop on one file x #2473140, DTS: error preventing 96/24 DTS detection x MPEG-4: Better support of Aspect ratio x Output was unstranslated and weird when $LANG is not set x C++ binding error in 0.7.9 x Python binding improved and corrected (no more crash with Linux) Version 0.7.9, 2009-01-19 ------------- + OGG: Dirac support + OGG: Speex support + OGG: other formats (JNG, Kate, MIDI, PCM...) detection + SWF: detection of more audio streams + MPEG-PS: Handling of PlayStation2 audio + #2474119, Minimal MZ (PE) and ELF detection + SMV (WAV/ADPCM+JPG files) file format support + DPG (Nintendo DS) file format support + QuickTime: TimeCode track analysis + MPEG-4 subtitles: difference between 'text' and 'tx3g' codecIDs x Python binding update for more compatibilty x #2474280, OGG: handling of files with Skeleton Metadata x #2445654, OGG: better false-positives detection x #2493685, AVI: Wrong video duration for some malformed 4GB+ AVI/DV files x #2516007, "Language" raw tag was sometimes 3 letter long instead of 2-letter long x Floating point overflow correction Version 0.7.8, 2008-12-09 ------------- + Changing version schema, only 3 numbers (next versions will 0.7.9, 0.7.10...) + Better Linux integration + rpm stuff (thanks to oc2pus + deb stuff + #2259421, FLAC and OGG: Encoding library name and version + FLV: version 10 support + FLV: duration of files without metatags + MPEG-4: Delay (useful when multiple videos are present) + Dirac: profiles updated from the latest specification + MPEG-4: more precise detection of OGG based codecs + MKV: better newest codecs handling + MKV: RealVideo/Audio support improvements + mipsel CPU support x MPEG-PS: Trying to have a better precision for duration x WMV: crash with some malformed files x MPEG-TS: some channel names where not shown x MPEG Video (version 2): some streams were misdetected as CBR Version, 2008-11-10 --------------- + #2219839, return code is now the count of analyzed files + You can now use a language file (ie --Language=file://en.csv) x Language=raw is without ugly artifacts + #2216498, LPCM in VOB: more attributes (channels count, sampling rate, bitrate) + #2182135, Wavpack: support of multichannel files + AVC: detection of the newest profiles + DTS: detection of DTS-HRA, DTS-MA, DTS-Express, thanks to + AES3 PCM in MPEG-TS detection + Wavpack: Encoder settings + WMV with "WVC1" codec identifier: video interlacement + MPEG-4: E-AC-3 support x #2186682, MPEG-2 Video: Wrong PAR and DAR for Panasonic MPEG2 Files x MPEG-4: some AC-3 and AAC specific files reported wrong channels value Version, 2008-10-17 --------------- + Support of VP5 file format + MPEG-4 Visual and MPEG Video: can now display the custom matrices data + WM: interlacement detection for VC-1 based codecs (WMV3...) + #2148321, PNG: more info + AVI: Better association of abcAVI tags to MediaInfo tags + PureBasic binding + Delphi binding: dynamic load (by default) of the library, thanks to Icebob x #2142995, MPEG-4: handling the Display Aspect Ratio from the track Header (tkhd) x #2141277, MPEG-PS/TS: Audio ID was hex for MPEG-PS but decimal for MPEG-TS streams x #2109107, Tags in Flac or Ogg: modification of the tag types priorities x #2120224, MPEG-4: some specific files were not parsed completely (missing info) x MPEG-TS with Dirac: some specific files were not parsed completely (missing info) x MPEG-4: Crash on MPEG-4 Visual format without DecDecoder stuff x Command line: was not reading custom template in UTF-8 codepage x DV: some files were not well detected x MPEG Video: some files were badly detected with 3:2 pulldown x AVS (Chinese): some corrections, thanks to Tom's translation of documents Version, 2008-09-12 --------------- + A small doc for helping automatic parsing + [2088009] Flac: Picture tag support + Flac: Support of Id3v1&2 in a Flac file + WM (ASF/WMV/WMA): detection of wrong framerate in header, trusting now the timestamp instead of the header + WM (ASF/WMV/WMA): detection of framerate from the timestamp when the framerate info is not available in the header + MPEG-4 with AVC: Added information about buggy files readable by all players except iPods + OGG: OGG with FLAC (pre- and post-FLAC 1.1.1) support x FLI/FLC: were not correctly detected x Output=HTML was not working x MPEG-TS without PAT/PMT: the complete stream was parsed, may be very long x Wavpack: duration and bitrate were false x #2071681, MPEG Audio: handling of truncated MPEG audio frames at the end of a file x #2032760, MPEG Audio: handling of MPEG Audio files with junk at the end x #2085149, Id3v2: was crashing with some malformed tags Version, 2008-08-22 --------------- + Chinese Simplified, Italian, Korean, Russian, Albanian languages updated + #2044174, AVS (Chinese Audio Video Standard) support + #2030684, AVI: Support of malformed chunks + Matroska: delay between audio and video calculation (for AC-3, DTS, MPEG Audio) + Full Replay gain support (gain/peak, track/album) for Flac/Ogg/MP3 + MPEG-TS without PAT/PMT (example: stream captured by some satellite TV receivers) support + MPEG-TS: Service info (name, provider, channel number) for both DVB and ATSC tags + Dot and thousand separator localized + Matroska: Handling of audio Delay x #2023872, DV: Crash with floating point exception on some files x #2024706, BDAV: Some QuickTime files misidentified as BDAV x #2033307, MPEG Video: Some raw files with high bitrate were not detected x #2040411, Id3v2: Crash with some malformed Id3v2 fields x #2036580, Id3v2: Problem when parsing big (>1M) Id3v2 tags, file was no more detected x #1893830, WMA/WMV: there was textual info (Linux/Mac only) x Video, Resolution/bits per pixel was sometimes per color entity, sometimes per pixel, now always per pixel x MPEG Video, the "Component" video standard was not detected x DLL only, the "by buffer" interface was broken Version, 2008-07-11 --------------- + #1995653, AVI: Delay of interleaves (example: "64 ms (1.53 video frames)") + #1995574, AVI: Report if the audio frames are split across or aligned on + MPEG-Video (raw): handling of "not started at the beginning" time_code + MPEG-PS: Trying to prevent errors with time code reset in the stream + AVC: Trying to detect raw AVC streams without SPS/PPS + [2013746] AAC in MPEG-TS: complete parsing of ADTS stream for more info about AAC + AAC in MPEG-TS: complete parsing of IOD based stream for more info about AAC + MPEG-TS: better detection of PCR time code + AAC: specifying the muxing mode (ADIF, ADTS or LATM) + MediaInfo DLL: NetBeans java binding example Version, 2008-06-27 --------------- + MPEG-TS: Detection of scrambled streams + #1995566: AVi, Identify ODML files + AC-3/DTS/AAC: Added another Channel configuration string (example: "3/2.1") in advanced mode + #1995569: Added proportion of each stream in the file (example: "500 MiB (90%)") x MPEG-TS: Handling of multiple programs in one PMT PID x MPEG-TS: Handling of streams in multiple programs Version, 2008-06-13 --------------- + FLV: detection of AVC and AAC x #1981032, Visual C++ 2008 binary is not compatible with Win9X, coming back to Visual C++ 2005 x #1964299, Never-ending 100% CPU if input file doesn't exist Version, 2008-05-30 --------------- + MPEG Video: Detection of 2:3 and 2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:3 Pulldown + VC-1: Detection of 2:3 and 2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:2:3 Pulldown + AVC: Detection of MBAFF + Translations: more words can be translated + MPEG-4 files: More info (profile, format settings, encoder name, x264 settings) for some well-known stream formats + MPEG-4 files: Better handling of not common formats (ALS, PNG, AC-3, DTS... in .mp4) + Bluray: detection of subtitles + Additional formats detected: Module, Extended module, Impulse Tracker, Scream Tracker 3 x #1967663, mp4: some specific iTunes atoms were not correctly parsed Version, 2008-05-16 --------------- + Python (Windows) binding + AC-3 TrueHD in bluray detection (even if the stream is splitted in 2 sub-streams) + Original framerate is shown if the framerate from the video stream and the one in the container are different + #1955061, Bluray: Duration + #1953908, FLV with audio delay detection x Linux with UTF-8 locale was not accepting non-English characters in filenames x #1954663, Some mono HE-AAC audio track detected as 2 channels with PS x VC-1 in TS detection even if the stream_type is not declared x xxxBSD compatibility Version, 2008-04-27 --------------- + About the library : Java/Linux binding is available + DV (raw) files support + Better support of DV in AVI container (type 1 and 2) + AVC: Handling of SEI which is before a SPS + AVC in AVI: reading more info (Profile, Cabac...) from streams created by FFMpeg + Vorbis in AVI: reading more info (Max bitrate, tags...) from streams created by FFMpeg + Detection of VC-1 in MPEG-TS from MainConcept encoder + MediaInfoLib is now thread-safe x -f option was not working in the last version x #1943743, AVI with MPEG-Audio VBR and delay: delay was incorrect x Pixel Aspect Ratio was sometimes inverted (1/x) x XviD CodecID was redirected on Koepi website, no more available, changed to official XviD webpage x #1946098, DV in AVI: DV aspect ratio errors Version, 2008-04-12 --------------- + AVC: Count of reference frames + AU: Comments + Some global speed improvement x #1931844, Id3v2: Unsynchronized frames support (v2.3 & v2.4) Version, 2008-03-28 --------------- + Spanish translation updated + The ToolTip text is now a summary (instead of a complete list) + MKV: handling of files created for streaming + MPEG-4: Handling of corrupted stream size info with some PCM streams + DVD video: Hebrew patch ("iw" code is mapped to Hebrew) x MPEG-4: better handling of bitrate mode (VBR or CBR) x AVI: MediaInfo reads now the framerate value from the container rather than the stream value x #1931844, Id3v2: Unsynchronized frames support (v2.3 & v2.4) Version, 2008-03-14 --------------- + AC3: TrueHD detection + MPEG-TS (or Bluray): VC-1, AC3+ and AC3 TrueHD detection + AVC in MKV: all SEI userdata infos from x264/eavc in Writing library settings + EVO: Better detection of duration + Dirac: raw files parsing + MPEG-TS: Dirac management + MPEG-TS: DVB subtitles/Teletext management x MPEG-4 Visual (DivX/XviD): writing library name was missing x MPEG-Video: some DTS files with wrong extension were detected as MPEG-Video x SWF: Compressed SWF files support is back x "Inform" option with file as parameter was not well parsed Version, 2008-02-29 --------------- + Id3v2.2 (yes, it is old...) support + Id3v2: TXXX tags support + RMP3 (japanese MP3 based format?) support + SAMR in .mp4: some files have wrong sampling rate, forcing it to 8000 Hz + File_Created_Date and File_Modified_Date tags added (in advanced mode only) + MP3 encoded by Lame: Minimal (VBR) or Nominal (ABR) bitrate x Better detection of Lame encoder x AVC Display Aspect Ratio was not well detected if AVC is in a .mp4 container x Matroska Display Aspect Ratio was deleted if AVC aspect ratio was set, now Matroska has priority x "Subwoofer" term has been replaced by "LFE", more relevant Version, 2008-02-08 --------------- + AVC: CABAC detection + #1886241: AVC: all SEI userdata infos from x264/eavc in Writing library settings + ADPCM: compagny which created the stream is now shown in the codec section + PCM: precision about Little/Big endianess, Integer/Floating point method + #1882691: AC3+: raw files are now detected x AVC: FPS were sometimes 2x the reality x RealMedia parser was brocken x FLV parser was crashing x FLV: Better detection of Nellymoser audio x FLV: Disabling Framerate estimation if a VFR file is detected (estimation was false in this case) x Better false-positive MP3 detection (NSV files are no more detected as MP3) x IFO: there was a mistake betwwen NTSC and PAL framerates x Win9X support was (again) brocken in Version, 2008-02-01 --------------- + Matroska: Full parsing of DivX/XviD/H264/AVC settings (profile...) + AVI: Full parsing of AVC settings (profile...) + AVI: Added a tag "OpenDML" (for example, the PlayStation 3 doesn't support OpenDML files) + AVC: Framerate, Interlacement, writing library (only for eavc, x264 and MainConcept encoders) + TwinVQ : channels, bitrate and sampling rate + Musepack SV8 support + Musepack and Musepack SV8: tags support + AIFF and AIFC format support + MIDI format detection + FLV: FrameRate even if the tag is not in the header + AU/SND audio formats support + Vodei encrypted AVI files detection + Linux/MacOS: support of 2GiB+ files + FLV: Video parsing even if the container says there is no video x APE Tags v1 are detected again x MPEG-PS: some malformed files were not well parsed, fixed x AVC: Cropping was not well handled (example: height was 1088 instead of 1080) Version, 2008-01-09 --------------- + SWF: Tags version 9 support + MPEG-TS: DegiCipher 2 (DCII) support + DVR-MS format support (with MPEG Audio or AC3) + WMV: language tag + MPEG-2 Video: Nominal bitrate x AVI: some speed improvments x Output was bad with some files Version, 2007-12-10 --------------- + AVI, Interlacement for M-JPEG codec + AVI, Interleaved tag + Better showing of well know values ("44.1 KHz", "22.05 KHz"...) x AVI, was parsing the whole file in case of non-interleaved files x MP3, was freezing on specific files x #1838202: Flac, Resolution was 1 less the the real value (15 bits instead of 16...) Version, 2007-11-09 --------------- + #1799859: Flac, tags are case insensitive + Matroska format parsing improvements + .mp4 speed improvement x BDAV (Bluray) parser compilation was forgotten in the previous version x AVI, Bitrate and stream size were false x #1825218: IFO parser was brocken x #1825521: .mp4 chapters times were wrong x #1801549: DLL was crashing during Delphi/C# debugging sessions Version, 2007-11-02 --------------- + Aspect Ratio is renamed Display Aspect Ratio + Pixel Aspect Ratio added (in advanced mode) + More attributes for AC3+ + More attributes for VC-1 + Profile and level for MPEG-4 Visual based formats (DivX...), AVC and VC1 + Speed improvement for MPEG-TS, MPEG-PS, DVD-Video (.vob), HD-DVD, BluRay + MPEG-4 AAC, Channels position + AAC (ADIF), More info + AAC (ADTS), More info x FLV, there was bad dates on some specific metatags. x #1818404: WAV with "float" PCM, bad detection x CDXA (.dat) files parsing is back Version, 2007-10-08 --------------- + Better handling of non-Latin characters in the command line + Better OGG/OGM parsing + Better .ifo (DVD-Video) parsing + .rmvb files are now detected in Windows Explorer + Win9X/98/Me support does not request Microsoft unicows.lib anymore x Win95/98/Me support was brocken since It works again. x #1798997: MPEG-4, some Apple codecs were wrongly reported x Lot of memory leak correction, you can now parse 1000+ files without problems Version, 2007-08-16 --------------- x Some crashes on Linux PPC with specific files x #1770477: Video info for some low-bitrate MPEG files were not shown x #1770509: MPEG 2 Audio Layer 2 was not well detected x #1763282: FLV, wrong playtime on PPC based machine x #1734113: IFO, crash with some specific files Version, 2007-07-23 --------------- + AVI: 24/30 fps (aka 120 fps hack or dual frame rate video) detection + TruAudio (.tta) support + Wavpack (.wv) support + MPEG-4 based containers: Codec/CC tag support + #1754143: AC3 & DTS detection in a .mp4 container made with the Haali's gdsmux tool + #1754140: AC3 detection in a .mp4 container from Nero Digital + #1754905: iPhone files support x #1750275: HD-DTS was no more detected in a .m2ts (bluray) file x AVI: AAC profile name was no more detected Version, 2007-07-09 --------------- + Licence changed from GPLv2 to GPLv3 + More information about mpeg-4 based (Nero...) files + MediaInfo analyses longer a .vob file to be able to find hidden tracks (subtitles...) + #1747633: Encrypted WMV detection + FLV: more attributes x Memory leaks correction x #1720404: MPEG, rare crashes with some files x #1721846: AAC ADTS were no more detected x MPEG Audio: No detection if there is some specific junk before the real audio data x #1728059: Delphi DLL overflow with big files x Crash with Youtube FLV files x AVI: Delay for AC3, DTS and MP3 is back Version, 2007-05-14 --------------- + OGG Vorbis, "Floor" value (useful for some players which don't support Floor 0) + MPEG-Audio, Lyrics3v1/v2, ApeTagv1/v2 parsing + MPEG-TS, handling of complex files (multiple programs, 8+ channels...) + #1704008: handling of AVC or MPEG-4 Video in a MPEG-TS file without program map + VC-1 basic parsing + DTS True HD detection + AC3+ detection + HD-DVD (decyphered) support + BluRay (decyphered) support x MPEG-TS, Duration calculation problem on very rare files x MPEG-4/iTunes, Tags where not well parsed in x FLV, freezes or crashes with some files x #1718269: MPEG-4 Video, Framerate of 65535/2733 is transformed to 23.976 x Windows Media (ASF/WMA/WMV) with file size more than 4GB were not well handled x MP4 with file size more than 4GB were not well handled Version, 2007-04-28 --------------- + Windows 64-bit version of the command line tool and DLL (separately) + Linux 64-bit version of the command line tool (separately) + More Musepack properties + Detection of Musepack v8 files + Complete parsing of Real Media files (all tags) + Improved Windows Media (ASF/WMA/WMV) parsing + MonkeyAudio tags (APETagv1/v2, Id3v1) parsing + Ogg/Theora : Video bitrate + MPEG audio : More encoder detection (bitstream parsing) + SWF (Flash) parsing x #1665981: Mov - PCM audio (digital camera) was detected as RGB x #1672896: Wave file with .mp3 extension was detected as MP3 x #1689570 and #1633237: Better JPEG parsing x Some other minor bugs Version, 2007-02-23 --------------- + Program file size reduction + WAV : Support of some special tags at the end of the file + AVC : Display Aspect Ratio x 1653325: Wrong Resolution with AVC High Profile x 1662890: Problem with tag adaptation parser (mainly for ID3v1 genre) x Better support of corrupted MOV files Version 2007-02-05 --------------- + You can now use your own templates (take a look on /plugins/custom/ directory) + FLV format support + Basic support of multiple programs in a MPEG Transport Stream (Satellite broadcast) + Basic detection of TwinVQ (.vqf) files (+tag parsing) + Better handling of corrupted .mp4 files + Better handling of corrupted .avi files x Crash with corrupted "COMM" Id3v2 tags x Crash with some audio files x 1633524: MOV, Crash on files with corrupted Descriptors x 1630907: MP3, Crash on files with corrupted (empty) Id3v2 tag x 1637838, 1634549, 1635131: Crash with some audio-only files x AVI, Better detection of writing application found in a "JUNK" chunk x AVI, sometimes wrong playtime x 1637191: AC3 delay in AVIs is back x 1635134: some freezes with MPEG-7 files (but this format is not yet supported) x 1635087: some files were wrongly detected as AC3 x Russian (or other non-latin language) AVI tag parsing is back. Version 2006-12-22 --------------- + Using of templates for output + MPEG-TS : Detect encrypted stream, and show the codec + id3v2 with UTF-16 frames + AVC in MPEG-TS AVC parsing + AVC : Width and Height + MacIntel version x Matroska, some crashing files (with chapters) Version 2006-12-09 --------------- + Czech language + Encoders database updated with 20 new encoder versions + Codecs database updated with 100 new codecs (video or audio) x Matroska, sometimes wrong Playtime x MPEG-4 : some Titles were not well parsed x MPEG PS : some video stream were missing x Crash with some malformed files x Some debug files were created Version 2006-12-08 --------------- + MPEG Transport Stream : Video info (Standard, Chroma, Interlacement...) and PlayTime + CDXA : PlayTime + MPEG-4 Video embedded in MPEG Program Stream support + MPEG-1 stream embedded in a Quictime file + MPEG-4 AAC Parametric Stereo (SBR-PS) detection + Detection of encrypted MPEG-4 (like iTunes) + Support of MPEG TS with lot of synchro errors + AVI : Exact Stream size calculation (but currently OpenDML files are not supported) + MPEG-4 : Exact Stream size calculation + Basic support of Korean mobilephone provider Sky (.skm) x MPEG Program Stream : PlayTime, Delay are corrected x #1601787 : MOV tracks issues (and crash) x MOV : was stopping on too big "free" atoms x MOV : Aspect Ration of DV is corrected x MPEG : Handling of negative Delays between Audio and Video x Musepack parser was doing too much "false positives" with some MPEG files Version 2006-11-24 --------------- + Linux i386 version + AVI with AAC-SBR : detection of real SamplingRate (not the sampling rate in header) + AVI with DV : basic information about audio + AVI with DV : detection of duplicated audio stream + Google Video : metadatas + AVI : now able to read metadatas at the end of the file + AVI : Bitrate computed is based on filesize in header instead of real filesize (for broked files) + AVI (DivX) : Menu detection (yes or no) + AVI : detection of VBR MP3 (useful for DVD players, sometimes they don't accept it) + AVI : detection of Delay between Audio and Video (for MPEG Audio, AC3 and DTS) + PlayStationPortable MPEG-4 files support + 3GPP5 files support + MPEG-4 : Detection of MP3, Vorbis streams embeded in a 'mp4a' atom + MPEG-4 : Detection of AVC streams embeded in a 'mp4v' atom + MPEG-2TS with MPEG-4 and AC3 detection + Speed improvements x #1551482 "\n" in filename get replaced by newline in "Text" output x AVI : infinite loop on one example file x AVI : some bad detections corrected x MPEG-PS : infinite loop in intra Matrix on one example file x MPEG TS : better detection of streams Version 2006-07-30 --------------- + MPEG-1/2 PS : more files have a duration + AVI with MPEG-4 Video based codecs (DivX, XviD...), more encoder string detections x Matroska, crash with big (>4GB) files Version 2006-07-19 --------------- + MPEG-1 and 2 Transport Stream support + MPEG-1 and 2 Video : Custom Matrix detection + MPEG-4 Video : Custom Matrix detection + Google Video (GVI) support + AMV/MTV (Chinese) detection (if you have specifications of theses formats, email me) + AVI/DivX/GoogleVideo and MPEG-4 Video : packed bistream detection. Now you can know if your DVD player can read the file before burning. Next step: a database of DVD player capacities ;-) + MPEG-4 : Language + MPEG-4 : Text streams (subtitles) x #1485003 : MP3, "Title" tag was sometimes forgotten x #1485804 : Wrong bitrate and time in PCM files x #1485810 : wrong playtime on CBR MP3 files with big id3v2 tags x #1485803 : some WMA tags were forgotten x #1488449 : crash on very rare buggy MP3 files x #1482686 : ShellExtension, crash when moving a directory x #1488770 : PlayTime, some "minutes" formating were forgotten x #1485044 : some .ico files were detected as MPEG Audio x AVI, handle some malformed timestamps in tags (carriage return at the end...) x MPEG-1 and 2 : incoherancy of PlayTime Version 2005-05-08 --------------- + MPEG-4 : Chroma ("4:2:0"...) + MPEG-4 : Interlacement mode ("Top field first", "bottom field first", or "Progressive") + MPEG-2 : Chroma ("4:2:0"...) + MPEG-2 : Interlacement mode ("Top field first", "bottom field first", or "Progressive") + MPEG-2 : Profile and Level ("Main@Main"...) + MPEG-2 : Standard (NTSC, PAL, SECAM, or MAC) x #1482346 : Incorrect playback time in OGG files (was not enough precise). x #1482602 : MPEG-4 video false positive files x "lang=raw" option is back Version 2005-04-30 --------------- + AVI with DivX or XviD : encoder name, GMC/QPel/B-frames indicator if present (beta) + AVI and WAV with MP3 : encoder name, precise version and layer number, VBR indication + Matroska: support of anamorphic videos (right Aspect Ration even if pixel aspect ratio is not 1:1) + AVI/WAV : support of extended wave files (20 bit per sample and more than 2 channels) and channel position + AVI : support of Exif tag format + AVI : more tags are supported + Real : detect RealAudio Lossless Format x #1454010 : v0.7.1.2 was checking updates even if the user did not want x #1454009 : AC3, sometimes wrong AC3 playtime x #1469423 : MP3 with cyrilic filenames, Id3 tags can be read x #1464066 : Hang ups with raw h264 streams x x1462647 : Quicktime files with preview image, crash x x1445150 : crash with some malformed MusePack files (workaround, this is a the Musepack bug, not yet corrected) Version 2005-03-10 --------------- + #1441664: (for developpers using CLI) you can now have internal names of each tag ("-lang=raw") + #1438441: show TV format (PAL/NTSC) for DVD and DV + #1343147: Matroska, Show Chapter names + MPEG-1 and 2, more precise playtime + MPEG-1 and 2, Added Encoded_Application if it is in video user data + Quicktime: Support of Quicktime "wide" (header at the end of the file) + MPEG Audio: Detect small (examples, less than 200K) MPEG Audio files with Id3v1 tag + #1441661: AVI, Handling of DV Type 1 x #1440480: No Audio Found in MPEG-2 after x #1438987: Infinite loop with some Matroska files x Matroska, Recorded date is now in UTC format, rather than the number of seconds since 1970 x AC3 noted 5 channels (because of 5.1) are now noted 6 channels (more realistic) x Quicktime: "ima4" or "twos" codecs were detected as Video stream instead of Audio stream Version 2005-02-24 --------------- + Now ~900 codec names (Audio/video/Text) are known (instead of 500) + Matroska : Framerate is now for all kinds of codec (and not only FourCC based ones) + MPEG-4 (m4V, Quicktime...) with unicode filename are now handled (before : crash on htis kind of file) + #1326802: MOV with 3GPP datas. + Meta-tags of Quickime HD files + #1244215: bit-rate details for MPEG-1 Video (VBR) (calculated with other CBR streams) + Detection of MXF files + #785338: Huge work on RealMedia parser (bitrate, channels, sampling rate, fps...) x #1435086: Translation problems if the program is launched directly with a filename x #1361647: Complete rewrite of MPEG-4 (newest Quicktime, 3GPP, iTunes...) parser to be more robust. x Some minor (but crashing :( ) bug fixes x AVI with DV was not well parsed Version 2006-02-02 --------------- + Speed improvements + #1383832 : support of last version of Quicktime files + Support of Musepack files + Support of Flic (FLI/FLV) video files + Support of DTS-HD (DTS at 96 KHz / 24 bits) + Support of ID3 tags (v1 and v2) in .AAC files + Support of all Tags in AVI files + Detection of QuickTime image files and QuickTime compressed archives + Detection of AVC files (3GPP, 3GPP Mobile or JVT) + Detection of iTunes protected files + Detection of H264 files (Raw, 3GPP or JVT) + Detection of Dirac raw video files + Detection of TrueAudio files + Detection of WavePack files + Support of files with more than 8 audio streams or 32 text streams x #1420672 : No WMV bitrate x Crash with some corrupted MPEG files x Crash with some MP3 files with corrupted ID3v2 tags x Crash with some Quicktime files with corrupted tags x #1257550 (again :) ) : with AVI, rounding of FPS had an impact of FrameCount, based on FPS. Now based on AVI file (better ;-) ) x #1381652 : Reported some GIF files as Mpeg audio x #1381619 : UPX compressor is no more used, to prevent Virus checker to use 100% CPU x 2nd Video framerate forgotten x Video languages were not parsed (example : "en" should be "English") x FrameRate/String was forgeting measure (example : "at 25" should be "at 25 fps") x Some case sensitive problems (example : "KBps" instead of "Kbps", 8 times more) x DTS and AC3 channels position names were changed to be more human readable Version 2005-11-14 --------------- NOTE : this version is released with urgency, because of Kaspersky anti-virus false-positive detection. It should be compatible with MediaInfo (mainly for AutoGK compatibility), but I don't promise all works! + Uses MediaInfoLib + Text : URL for Text codecs + Support of ISO-639 language names (more than 200 language names can be translated) + Support of "multilanguage" language name (ISO-639 "mul") x #1323208 : Video Bitrate for OGM files with VBR audio was incorrect + Better detection and handling of DivX container + #1327902 : More meta data properties for RIFF files x #1327468 : RIFF (AVI) files with not-padded (INFO) sub chunks can't be parsed + More "generic" tags added x Some other minor bugs x #1257550 : rounding of FPS was 2 digit precise, not enougth, upgraded to 3 digits, and exact number is given (23.97 before, 23.970 or 23.976 now) x Better false positive detection (mainly in MPEG1, MPEG2, MP3) x some memory leaks if you use MediaInfo a long time x MPEG Audio : VBR bitrate corrected for MPEG **1** streams x MPEG Audio : VBR bitrate corrected for monochannel streams x #1274999 : mp3Pro timing was wrong (2x the real timing) + "BitRate_Mode" with MP3 (VBR or CBR) + "PlayTime" with AC3 + "PlayTime" with WAV Version 2005-06-24 --------------- New - Uses MediaInfoLib Warning : APE parser has some problem with ANSI compilation, I disabled it in this release. Hope to have it again in the next release. Version 0.5.2. 2005- --------------- New - Uses MediaInfoLib - Begin of compilation under Linux : Core, and OGG format Version 2005-01-11 --------------- New - Uses MediaInfoLib Bug fixes - Some problems with CreateFile : if CreateFile doesn't work, I use WxFile instead - MPEG Video and MPEG Audio : bug between version 0.4 and version 0.5 corrected - PlayTime Calculation for OGM was false Version 2005-01-11 --------------- New - Uses MediaInfoLib Bug fixes - Win95/Win98/WinMe support again! (problem with Unicode and AVI) - AVI files were not well released (file locked) - Better MPEG4 support - Better coherency tests : no more file with 10 MP3 streams ;-) Version 2004-01-10 --------------- New : - Using MediaInfoLib Bug fixes : - "-f" doesn't need to be in last position any more - Can really analyse multiple files on command line Version 2003-08-01 --------------- Bug fixes Using MediaInfoLib